In March 2021, the YEM owners who are members of the Unicorn Network elected seven directors to the board of the YEM Foundation. Each director represents a specific area of the world
Our payment method is the Rainbow cryptocurrency developed with the commercial symbol YEM
Currently, the YEM Foundation has more than 1 million users and a new user is added approximately every 120 seconds
Used as a payment method in thousands of transactions (again at SubCoins)
YEM FOUNDATION has not approved YEM to operate on public trading platforms. There is only one official exchange where YEM can be exchanged for USD
Friendly with the authorities and complies with all the necessary legal requirements regarding security, transparency, quality and data protection, combined with a maximum of "Know your customer" and anti-money laundering processes (KYC / AML processes or customer verification)
For the first time cryptocurrency is being introduced by people for people
Earmarked, limited volume, YEM as initial currency
Only tradable in one place - on its own blockchain
Through smart contracts and targeting
YEMCHAIN is more than a blockchain! It is the best of blockchain technology, combined with all the benefits of the SafeZone
You can buy with the confidence that all personal information will be kept confidential
Payments are stored securely yet transparently
The so-called YEMCHAIN, guarantees absolute security and transparency
Things purchased 100% or partially with YEM
Acceptance is growing
Payments are simplified with YEM
YEM has the same value everywhere in the world
The YEM Foundation seeks membership in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Our main goal is that YEM is accepted as a legal form of payment in all countries
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